作者: 2021-02-03 15:27:59 阅读量:
• 这个“truth”可能和“habit”有关系,因为一个人的习惯又可以分为“Diet/ Sleep/ Sports etc.”,所以我最终可以告知的事实,比如:
- “催吐会得厌食症”
- “代餐并不一定能减肥”
- “喝奶茶容易得糖尿病”
- “熬夜会变胖”
- “晚上运动不是的选择”
• 这个“truth”可能和“appearance”有关系,因为一个人的外貌又可以分为“五官/身材/身高/发型/穿着”,所以我最终可以告知的事实,比如:
- “瘦脸针的危害”
- “经常染头发容易脱发”
• 这个“truth”可能和“health”有关系,因为一个人的健康又可以分为“physical health & mental health”,所以我最终可以告知的事实,比如:
- “抑郁症是需要吃药才能控制的”
- “板蓝根并不能抑制新冠病毒”
• 以上是我从“people”着手给的示例,你也可以尝试从其他几个方向着手来思考可能性的事实,比如:
- “大城市并非真的适合所有人”
- “出国留学容易得抑郁症”
- “大公司不是想象中的圣地,小公司或者更能锻炼人的能力”
- “Gap year会让人失去斗志”
Who your friend is
说实话,事件类话题的小问一般开始于“when” & “where”之类的问题,像这篇直截了当的出来“who”也是一件很尴尬的事情。一般而言,面对此种情况,我会自行加上有关时间地点的信息,然后再带出问需要的内容。
对于“when”部分的拓展,我们可以直接按具体时间点的拓展格式进行“Year-month-date-hour”, 再给出和“date”相关的信息时,我们可以用“天气信息/星期几/早中晚”来取代具体的日子,“hour”部分则可以用“before/after/while”来指代具体的时刻。
比如:It took place about a month ago. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon. After having just woken up from a cat nap....
比如:It took place about a month ago. I was hanging out with my friend, Anna and we went to a newly-opened Starbucks to have a cup of coffee. It was popular, so when we arrived, there were no seats for us. We just bought a coffee and then went to a park nearby to have a chat.
Example one:
Actually it took place about a month ago. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon. After having just woken up from a cat nap, my friend, Lisa called me and asked me to go to the hairdresser 理发师 with her, as she had decided to dye her hair again.
Lisa is a very fashionable young girl. She likes to follow the latest fashion trends. When there is a new color out, she likes to try it immediately on her hair.
Example two:
Well, it took place a couple of days ago. I was hanging out with my friend, Anna. She is a bubble tea 奶茶 lover and she is really addicted to it, she drinks at least 3 bottles of it every day. That day, we went to a newly-opened bubble tea store together. As it was popular, there was a long line and we had to wait.
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