作者: 2021-08-13 11:15:39 阅读量:
摘要: 1月托福阅读词汇题考前速递,速收藏!今天的主题只有一个,确切来说就是三个字:“快!狠!准!”。奋斗在托福北京战场的小伙伴们,想在考前做最后的刺,拿到自己理想的分数?那下面这份托福阅读考前速递,赶紧的收藏复习起来吧!
abandoned = on longer occupied
abrupt = sudden
abundant = plentiful
accordingly = correspondingly
account for = explain
address = deal with
allege = suppose
alternation = modification
anxiety = worry
appreciated = understood
approximating = estimating
assimilate = absorb
assume = believe
autonomy = independence
beneficial = helpful
beneficial = helpful
besides = in addition to
capacity = available storage space
cease = stop
cluster = group
coalesce = join
commonplace = ordinary
compel = require
comprise = consist of
confine = constrain
congregate = gather
consequently = as a result
considerably = significantly
constituent = component
contribute = add to
controversial = debatable
controversial = debatable
conversely = in contrast
convert = change
counter = argue back
counterpart = equivalent
couple with = combine with
current = present
deficiency = shortage
delicately = finely
derive = obtain
detach = separate
detect = distinguish
devoid = lacking
diffuse = spread
discrepancy = inconsistency
disperse = scatter
distinct = separate
document = record
drastically = extensively
edible = fit to be eaten
elaborated = well developed
elaborately = with great detail
emerge = appear
eminent = distinguished
enable = allow
enabling = allowing
ensure = guarantee
entirely = completely
era = period
excavate = dig out
exceeding = going beyond
exclusively = solely
exhaust = use up
experimental = trial
explicit = obvious
flexible = bendable
fluid = liquid
frigid = cold
fuel= provide energy for
fulfill = achieve
fundamental = basic
generate = produce
gradual = slow
henceforth = from this time on
incentive = motivation
inconclusive = no decisive
inevitable = unavoidable
ingenious = inventive
ingested = eaten
install = put in place
intermittently = periodically
keep pace with = match the increase in
key = essential
launch = start
logical = reasonable
lucrative = profitable
minute = tiny
modify = change
momentum = impetus
monotonous = unchanging
monumental = great and significant
now and then = occasionally
obligation = responsibility
oblige = force
obviously = clearly
on balance = overall
peculiar = unique
pioneering = original
plague = cause trouble for
plausible = reasonable
ponder = think
portray = represent
pragmatic = practical
predominate = in majority
preoccupation = concern
preserve = maintain
principally = mainly
prohibit = prevent
pronouncement = statement
propagate = proliferate
reinforce = support
rekindled= renewed
rely = depend
restrict = limit
retrieve = find
scenario = events
sequence = series
severely = very seriously
severity = harshness
signify = indicate
skepticism = doubt
stagnation = lack of growth
steadily = continuously
striking = noteworthy
subsequently = later
substantial = large
surpass = exceed
susceptible to = likely to be affected by
sustain =continue
switch on = change
tactic = strategy
tangible = physical
thus = in this way
trigger = initiate
ultimately = finally
ultimately = in the end
unpredictable = uncertain
vast = enormous
vast = huge
verify = confirm
vicinity = region
vicinity = surrounding area
virtue = desirable quality
vitality= energy
witness = experience