作者: 2021-12-15 11:10:53 阅读量:
2019.09.21 托福综合写作真题
Integrated Writing Task
1、好吃,有营养, tasty and nutritious;
本期考题考察的话题难度一般,属于在托福综合写作考试中考察占比较少一些的商业类话题,主要考察商业策略的优点与缺点,从而形成对比的观点。在TPO中涉及到相关商业类话题的并不多,比如TPO 1, TPO 2, TPO 19。希望从这些综合材料能给考生关于这类话题提供可借鉴的解题思路。
Keywords: product, local, chain supermarket,
TPO 19
总观点:buzzing 应该禁止。
1. 消费者应该知道这些表扬产品的人是被公司付费的;
2. buzzer假装私人使用者,消费者对于他们的认可会比平时少一些批判;
3. 对社交有负面的影响。
总观点:buzzing 不应该禁止。
1. 表扬产品的人是使用过产品并真的觉得这些产品好的人;
2. 人们会问很多问题,比如价格,服务和使用的时间;
3. 人们会相信和乐于接受他人,因为如果产品坏,公司也不会雇佣buzzer,因此你们得到的是真诚,好的产品的宣传。
总观点:支持four-day workweek。
1 提高公司利益,因为员工休息好,灵敏度高,错误少;
2 较少失业率;
3 有益于员工提高生活质量。
总论点:反对four-day workweek
1 公司需要投入更多的钱雇佣新员工,花钱在培训,医疗和办公室上;
2 不会减少失业率,会要求员工加班,提高要求,做同样多的工作。
3 降低生活质量,不利于工作稳定性和升职。
Independent Writing Task
The town government has got some money to develop a ground.
Do you think that the ground should be developed to a garden that everyone in the town can enjoy, or a sports field for the students in the high school who don’t have one?
9月21日的独立写作题重复了(20131220CN/20120908CN/ 20110311CN)就考过。对于考生来说,这道题不容易快速想出分论点。这道二选一的题目,考生需要从公园与高中学校的运动场各有什么优点去想分论点。如果建公园,会对大多数市民有益,比如:健身,美化环境和空气。而在高中学校里建运动场,可以给高中生提供一个运动的地方和帮助学生释放压力,提高学习的效率。所以考生可以根据自己的生活经验来确定立场,完成写作。
在分析题目时需要注意的是题目其中一个关键词提到The town government has got some money to develop a ground, 在这一条件的限制下,考生不要在写作中提到太贵,政府负担不起,这样容易跑题。请参考如下范文:
The welfare policy, undoubtedly, has an obvious effect on the people daily life. How to allocate this resource will bring great benefit to the citizens? The former American president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, once remarked that the test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough for those who have little. This means that if the government wants to invest some money in certain areas, such as developing a ground to build a garden or a sport field, they should give priority to those who are in need. I, therefore, agree with this opinion that the money should be spent on the students in the high school without a sports field.
First, building a sports field will provide an idea place for the high school students to build up their physical health. Since busy with studying and preparing various tests in subjects, such as math, chemistry, physics or computer, they often lead a sedentary lifestyle and hence encounter many health problems, like obesity, hair loss or short sight. On the other hand, considering the tight schedule and travel time, it is absolutely impossible for them to regularly work out in the garden located in the town. Take my own experience as an example. In my high school, there is not a sports field or play ground for us to do exercise. In this case, my classmates have nowhere to do sports even though they may be willing to. Many students gain weight due to the lack of enough exercise after meals. However, if the local government could invest a sum of money to build new playgrounds or establish a sports field in our school, I bet students in our school will be interested in exercising, thus becoming healthy physically.
Another reason is establishing a sports field will reduce the academic stress for the high school students and eventually contribute to their mental well-being. In order to enter a decent university, they are often faced with the fierce competition from the peers and the excessive pressure from their teachers and parents, consequently leading to many psychological problems, including depression, anxiety and insomnia. Without a way to relieve the stress, in some cases, some students, unable to put up with tough tension, may go to extremes and even commit suicide. On the contrary, if the students have a place to stretch out their body or do sports after a long day of study, they can kill these negative emotions, build some momentum and get them going. Study shows that one of the most common mental benefits of exercise is stress relief, as exercise increases concentrations of norepinephrine, a chemical that can moderate the brain’s response to stress. It is, therefore, reasonable to say that government should spend money on the sports field in high school instead of the public garden.
All in all, as exercising brings physical and mental health to the high school students, the government should attach more importance to them than to the public.