作者: 2024-06-25 10:34:24 阅读量:
专业的天津雅思暑假培训就选新航道天津学校雅思暑期课程,新航道雅思封闭学习中心具备专业师资,学术品质,全国连锁,小班授课,兼顾每位学员!现在报名享8折优惠!今天,新航道天津学校小编给大家带来的是雅思口语Part 3 Parenting,希望对大家有帮助。
雅思口语Part 3中“教育”是个高频话题,而在这个话题下除了“学校教育”,“家庭教育”也是频繁涉及的。通常会围绕今昔育儿方式的对比、家长是否应该干预小孩的择友、兴趣爱好以及梦想等提问,比如:
In what way is the relationship between parents and teenagers different from the relationship between parents and small children?
What causes most arguments between parents and teenagers?
Do you think it is wrong for parents to influence what kinds of friends their children have?
Do you think attitudes towards bringing up children differ in different parts of the world?
Do you think parents today are stricter than those in the past?
Should parents make decisions for their children?
围绕这个话题的大方向,其实我们可以通过不同的parenting style作为切入点,灵活将其融入到不同的小问之中。总的来说,有这样几种parenting模式:helicopter parents, snowplow parents, tiger parents, permissive/doting parents. 我们可以从这些育儿方式的特征以及前因后果去进一部拓展。
比如helicopter parents通常会过度关注小孩的一举一动,过度干预小孩的方方面面,过度保护小孩,不让小孩受到任何伤害。而snowplow parents和helicopter parents比较类似,他们主要致力扫清障碍、不希望自己的小孩经受任何的挫折。说到tiger parents和permissive parents,很多小伙伴应该都比较熟悉,也比较有感触了。曾经何时,不少长辈都提倡“虎爸虎妈”,对小孩极度严格,对其要求也颇高,采用各种方法如体罚、批评等方式刺激小孩取得优异的学习成绩。而如今,越来越多的家长不再崇尚这种严厉的育儿方式,而是采用更为柔和的教育方式。
helicopter parents 直升机家长(过度保护孩子、过分干涉孩子生活的父母)
snowplow parents 扫雪机式家长(像扫雪机一般,为孩子清除人生路上的一切障碍的父母)
tiger parents 虎爸虎妈
permissive parents 放纵型家长
doting parents 溺爱式家长
这几种育儿方式的前因后果、优缺点也不难想到,但具体如何表达需要提前多加储备。比如helicopter parents和snowplow parents都会过度干预其子女的生活、学习、工作,在其子女遇到任何困难或问题时,会立马出面替他们解决,甚至会提前为他们做好周全的安排,但这样的话,他们的小孩很可能会因为过度保护而无法独立,在成年时遇到危机和困难而又没有了父母的支持,很容易被击垮。
Helicopter parents generally pay excessive attention to their children’s every move and experience and can be overprotective of their minors. For example, these parents try every possible means to protect their kids from minor accidents. Even a mildly scraped knee could stress them out intensely.
pay excessive attention to … 过度关注
be overprotective of sb. 过度保护某人
minor accident 小事故
a mildly scraped knee 轻微擦伤的膝盖
stress sb. out 使某人紧张、焦虑
Helicopter parents are overly involved in their children’s daily lives. They decide what their children should wear for school and what hobbies their children should take on. They even label their children’s friends as undesirable, restricting their children’s freedom to hang out with them.
undesirable 令人讨厌的,不良的
Since the 21st century, the family with only one child has become prevalent, which makes the little one extremely precious. Parents, either driven by themselves or their elderly parents, become snowplow parents. They strive to remove every obstacle in their child’s way because they don’t want their child to experience discomfort or difficulties. As a result, they always step in and fix everything for their kids.
prevalent 普遍的
strive to 力争、努力
step in 介入
Helicopter parenting/snowplow parenting makes children less independent and less resilient. However, in adulthood, they’re bound to face all sorts of challenges, either in life or at work. A broken relationship, rejection from employers or criticism from the unknown can engulf them as they've never been through undesirable situations before.
resilient 适应力强的,坚韧的
be bound to do 一定会做
rejection 拒绝
criticism 批评
engulf 吞噬
Parents are to blame for overprotecting their children. Overprotective parents have turned many millennials into snowflakes. They are emotionally vulnerable and can be easily damaged by views that challenge theirs. Also, they are overly sensitive cos they’ve got used to the fact that the world revolves around them. When things don’t go as they wish, they become devastated.
snowflake 脆弱的人
emotionally vulnerable 情感脆弱的
overly sensitive 过度敏感
revolve around 围绕……转,以…… 为中心
devastated 极度伤心沮丧的
Tiger parents或许可以帮助小孩在年幼时就形成良好的学习习惯和生活习惯,帮助他们在学校有着优异的学习成绩并发展一些特长。但他们的小孩可能会因为长期的批评而产生较低的自尊,容易自我怀疑,缺乏自信。而且为了达到父母定的目标,这些小孩可能长期处于压力之下,这对其心理和精神健康都十分不利。
Ten or twenty years ago, Chinese parents were notoriously known for their strict, authoritative parenting. They’re known as tiger parents. Well, it’s easy to understand why parents of this generation preferred such a parenting style.
strict, authoritative parenting 严格的、权威的教育方式
What tiger parents emphasise most is their children’s academic performance. Schoolwork always comes first; getting a grade below an A is bad and sometimes unacceptable. After all, only high achievers could stand a good chance in the highly competitive college entrance exam. Therefore, despite the exorbitant cost of after-school tutoring, tiger parents would sign their children up and tirelessly shuttle them to tutoring institutions. Activities like sleepovers, computer games, and parties are basically denied.
high achiever 表现优异的人
stand a good chance 大有希望
highly competitive 竞争激烈的
exorbitant cost 高昂的费用
sleepover 留宿
Though tiger parenting does help children form some good habits, frequent shaming, corporal punishment, and negligence of children’s emotional, social and physical needs could harm their children in multiple ways. Low self-esteem and anxiety disorders are among the top. Besides, children brought up this way can be unhealthily obedient to their parents. A typical case in point is when they want to pursue a career that is not preferred by their parents, they dare not voice their opinions and fight for their dreams. They blindly follow their parents’ orders and finish what their parents have set for them.
frequent shaming 频繁的羞辱
corporal punishment 体罚
in multiple ways 在多方面
low self-esteem 低自尊
anxiety disorders 焦虑症
unhealthily obedient to 不健康地服从……
voice one’s opinions 发表自己的意见
blindly follow one’s orders 盲目遵从某人的指令