作者: 2021-07-01 09:33:31 阅读量:
词汇和语法的评分很接近,重点考察考生是否能把正确的词用在合适 的场景和合适的时间。所以,我个人认为一味的使用生僻词汇和高难度词汇别不能达到提分的目的,这在我们的教学工作中也是得到验证的。
雅思口语对发音的要求有两个层面。一,考生的发音是否正确,清晰。不影响信息的传递,不影响交流进程。所以,口音对雅思口语来说并不重要,student do not have to spend a lot time working on their accent. This also explains why Indian students can usually get higher score in speaking than Chinese students. 二,考生在回答问题时是否有语气的变化来帮助表达需要表达的含义。It is called intonation. It is the main cause of the difficulty to get band 7. 取得口语7分或更高的难度也就在这里。To improve intonation, an accumulation of your daily practice is necessary, it can not be done shortly.
最后一项,流利度。流利度也是有两个部分组成的。一,考生是否在语言上流利。二,考试时表达观点是否流利,也就是说你的逻辑思维是否清晰流畅。It is called coherence, when you answer a question, are your ideas related to the question. When you make your idea, are your sentences in this idea related to this idea and to each other.
Things you can do to improve your grammar for IELTS Speaking
Remember, IETLS speaking does not really deduct your score for a mistake you just make once. The one that kills your grammar score is recurring mistake, which is the same kind of mistake that you make again and again and one more time. 仅出现一次的语法错误通常别不会导致扣分,语法低分一般是由出现的同类错误造成的。The top one recurring mistake is the usage of past tense. 在教学中我发现,学生最易反复的错误是过去式的使用。It is due to the difference between Chinese and English. Most of the students are simply not used to use past tense. They can actually spot the mistakes with past tense if they can have a second look on their sentences. 其实,同学们并不是不会使用过去式,而是常常在回答问题时忘记使用。Here, I suggest writing dairy is an useful way to fix this problem, use English to record what you did in a day. I believe, if you can keep doing it for a month or two. Your past tense usage will be stabilized.