作者: 2024-05-29 16:03:28 阅读量:
1. Browse videos on Tiktok 刷抖音
2. Blacklist 拉黑
3. Flood the screen 刷屏
4. User thinking/User-centered mindset用户思维
5. Live-streaming e-commerce 直播带货
6.GOAT(Greatest of All Times) 永远的神
7. Someone nudged you 有人拍了拍你
8. Follow an official account 关注公众号
9. Rat race 内卷
10.Group chat 群聊
11. Kick out/remove 踢出群
12. Internet trolls 键盘侠
13.Memes 表情包
14.You were mentioned 有人@你
15.Influencer 网红
16.Go viral 迅速走红
17. Stir things up 带节奏
18. hit the like button 点赞
19.Attract followers 吸粉
20.Traffic 流量
21. Pull in traffic 引流
22. Social butterfly 社牛
23. Social anxiety 社恐
24.Compromise 躺平
25.PM(private message)私信
26.Trending topics 热门话题
27. Mental anxiety 内耗
28.Slack off 摆烂
29.Breathtaking 绝绝子
30. be glued to the phones 整天耍手机
31. Clickbait 标题党
32.Buzzwords 流行词
33. Hit a like 点赞
34.Comment 留言
35. Social meida push 推送
36.KOL(Key Opinion Leader) 头部博主
37. Paid posters 网络水军
38.Romance scam/fraud 杀猪盘
39.Retouch 美颜
40.Selective censorship 控评
41. Cyber bullying 网暴
42.Instigate conflicts; flamming 引战
43. Regional discrimination 地域攻击
44.Trickery 擦边
45. Profile 个人简介
46. Add an existing account 添加账号
47. Profile photo 头像
48.Bio 主页介绍
49.Short-form videos 短视频
50.Duration 视频长度
51. Send a sticker 发一个表情
52.Recall a message 撤回消息
53. Friend request 好友申请
54.Chat history 聊天记录
55. Quick response (QR) code 二维码
56.Screen name 网名
57.Alias 群昵称
58. Block 屏蔽
59. Instigation 煽动
60.Slogan 口号
61.Copy 文案
62. Food delivery 外卖
63. Do not disturb 勿扰模式
64.Shutout 封杀
65.Theories 阴谋论
66. Information chaos 信息混乱
67.Free expression 自由表达权
68.Controversial contents 争议性内容
69. Views 浏览量
70. Silenced 禁言
71. Permanent suspension 封号
72. User interface 用户端
73. Circulate 传播
74.Screen time 屏幕时间
75. Filters 滤镜
76. Selfie 自拍
77. Active users 活跃用户
78.Click rate/ Click-through rate 点击率
79. Interaction rate Engagement rate互动率
80. Current limiting/Shadow banning 限流
81. Comment 评论
82. Put in the blacklist Block 拉黑
83. No longer follow Unfollow/unfriend 脱粉
84. Comment section Comment area 评论区
85.Private messageDM(Direct Message) 私信
86. Become hot topics Go viral 上热门