作者: 2024-06-26 11:05:30 阅读量:
专业的天津雅思暑假培训就选新航道天津学校,新航道雅思封闭集训学习中心的定位是要打造真正的封闭学习中心,吃住学三位一体,封闭式管理!现在报名享8折优惠!今天,新航道天津学校小编给大家带来的是2024.6.22 雅思听力分析,一起来看看吧。
2024.6.22 雅思听力分析
Part 1 注册服务中心
1 Address: 22 Newtrell road
2 Telephone (mobile):03944817145
3 Date of birth:7/11/1989
Canada (No.), she doesn't have one
4 Training subject, want to become: a nurse / teacher
5 Hostel: bathroom shared
Medical service
6 Doctor can be registered in the city health centre
(Don’t have a dentist, get your own)
7 want a job in the local hospital
(Vacation part time
8 loan from her aunt (father’s sister)
(Continue course training in college (financial support), not borrowing from friend relatives ‘bank’ account)
9 meeting run by city council for new arrivals: on Thursday evening
Program “international welcome”, offer free refreshments
10 venue this time: in the library next week in the museum
P1 点评:第 一部分为旧题翻新,主要的考察方式、考察内容都比较常规,注意部分选项的干扰。总体而言,单词拼写、定位等难度都不是特别难,hostel 千万不要拼写为 hostle之类的错误拼写哦。
Part 2 (新题)湖边公园玩耍
题型: 地图题+单选+匹配
P2点评: 第二部分是新题,但是也并非大家不熟悉的场景,因此从感官上来说还好,地图题的出现已知信息的抓取,单选+匹配的形式,给这道题带来一定的难度,比如干扰选项的排除,同义替换的理解。
No.119 Part 3 presentation on design development
21. What do Ted and Mona finally agree on the topic of Mona’s presentation?
A. design development since 1800s.
22. Mona doesn’t want to talk about one topic because
B. she’s worried about her tutor’s reaction
23. What do Ted and Mona finally agree on?
B. the presentation is too broad
24. What is Mona’s view on computers?
A. They have already influenced traditional media.
25. Why does Ted think Purism is very important?
A. It has great significant in architecture.
26. What does Ted suggest Mona to do?
C. visit a museum
27-30) matching
A. set a title for it
B research further into the topic
C put a statement alongside each picture
D write an introduction
E to sum up the whole idea
F write down a thought about each slide
G to summarize each slide
27. Step 1. D
28. Step 2 B
29. Step 3 C and support it
30 .Step 4 F
Step 5 Write the handouts
P3点评:即使出现了较为少见的流程配对,但总体而言的题型安排还是常规的选择+配对,前半部分的选择题,注意对于一些态度性的形容词的抓取,比如too broad(太宽泛了),流程配对的重心主要就是文章中每一个步骤的内容进行定位、同义替换的理解。
Part 4 颜色和人类情感关系研究
31. in the past, the research focus on when people hear music which relates to color.
32. the maximum of study ability to handle multiple tasks
33. unexpected phenomenon is unimportant
34. evolution
35. the links are simple memories
36. we should find out the science mechanism to explain the whole thing
37 people using language… is a genetic origin
38. they are conducting experiments on computer screen, they display
39. the numbers are in a random arrangement
40 the number 2 has the shape of a triangle.
P4点评: 同样也是一篇旧题翻新,总体而言的词汇的难度比较高,尤其是mechanism机械,random随机 等单词的听取和拼写。因为出现了较多学术单词,因此在理解上会带来一些困难,也更要求对于定位词的把握。