作者: 2021-01-25 11:39:34 阅读量:
IELTS Speaking Tip 1:多说!Keep talking
根据评分标准,7分至少要达到这个要求According to the assessment criteria, an IELTS Band 7 candidate:
轻松说够时长,还要有连贯性Speaks at length without noticeable effort or loss of coherence
决不能因为害羞、不好意思开口而草草说几句了事~In IELTS Speaking, your score goes up when you say more, even if sometimes that may result in more errors.即使遇到不熟悉的话题,也要尽量扯上几句~That’s because IELTS is a test of what you CAN do, not what you can’t.说到考官打断你,然后再进行下一个话题~So say as much as you can in response to the question, until you run out of ideas or start repeating yourself. It’s not a bad thing if the examiner has to interrupt you.
IELTS Speaking Tip 2:用一两个习语Use an idiom or two
According to the assessment criteria, an IELTS Band 7 candidate:
不仅熟用常见表达,还要会根据语境恰当地用习语俗语Uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary and shows some awareness of style and collocation
规范的英语在日常生活中会显得太过呆板~The IELTS examiner is listening for evidence that you can go beyond ‘textbook English’ and start using real, idiomatic English.考生用几个习语俗语打动考官,告诉考官你能像native speaker一样掌握这门语言~So impress the examiner by including a few idiomatic phrases like “I’m a bundle of nerves” to mean “I’m nervous”. 平时在看美剧、电影时多积累,一定要带上例句和语境一起记,忌断章取义闹笑话~You can find a good starter list of idioms on Wikipedia and for iOS users there’s even an idioms app.
IELTS Speaking Tip 3:对问题进行同义叙述Paraphrase the question
According to the assessment criteria, an IELTS Band 7 candidate:
有效进行同义替换Uses paraphrase effectively
这不仅展现了你的英语水平,还能帮你多争取几秒思考时间来理清思路~If the examiner asks you a question and you can immediately think of a way to paraphrase it—i.e. express the same meaning in other words—尤其是在你没听清楚问题、不确定考官想问的点时,同义替换能够保证你接下来不会开口就跑题~go ahead and say something like “Oh, you mean (paraphrase question)?” This is a very effective strategy to demonstrate one of the core skills that the examiner is listening for.而且同义替换的能力在听力、写作部分也是极为重要的~Try to do this two or three times during the test
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