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2020年9月托福口语独立题考情分析及范文 - 张曦智

作者:  2021-11-30 11:08:27  阅读量:


北美考试院托福口语组 张曦智 







Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is important for child’s development to spend a short period of time living away from home visiting other relatives and friends.



I agree that living home and visiting relatives and friends can have various benefits for children. For one thing, children can feel the differences in relationships when they are being with people other than their attentive and loving parents. They may for the first time experience multiple status just like we all do in real society. They will learn to adapt spontaneously or be disciplined by someone who would not spoil them, such as their friends or younger brothers. Besides, in the meantime, they may even learn to consider the need of friends, family and the world beyond and develop a desire to help others, which can lead a healthier relationship between children and parents in turn when they come back home.



I do not think this could be a good idea for young children. The time children can spend with their parents is priceless and meaningful, as parents’ tutoring and interpretation of the world can largely shape their children’s personality and mindset. Let alone the fact that nowadays children spend less and less time with parents. Some children choose to study abroad at a younger age, some children have to live with grandparents as their parents are busy working out there. Being curious and sensitive, children may catch some bad living habits very easily or even get hurt when staying with people who are less patient than their own parents. A child addicted to video game or a scar on the forehead would be miserable enough to make parents regret.



Do you think the university should open the library to the public?



I believe university library should open to public. University serves as an education institution, not only for students. University also has a role to play in culture and social influence. People in the local community also need a comfortable and inviting environment for doing research, looking up academic journals or browsing stacks of books they need to read. Indeed students prefer to be immersed in a pure atmosphere, but sitting in the library paid by taxpayer’s money and being unwilling to share seems selfish. Not only facilities like study tables, printers or internet connection should be accessible to the neighborhood, wisdom and great ideas are also worth spreading.



I do not support this idea, school library should not be accessible to non-students. First, limit entry permission will guarantee security. Students who study in library may leave for drinks or snacks, and they have no need to worry about belongings on the table. And books and documents can be better preserved too if library chooses not to open doors for outsiders. A young mother may bring her naughty children into the section containing books of great value, and I do not need to mention the cigarette, lighter and water bottle in visitors’ backpack. All in all, everything can be more uncontrollable unless you improve the security level considerably. And as i see it, this is unnecessary and effort-wasting.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should allow their children to make mistakes.


I strongly support this statement, because learning can be enhanced through making mistakes. Some parents believe that they are just being necessarily protective, some others just can not sit back and let go of their endearing babies hands. However, these parents are also killing their children’s golden opportunity of exploring the unfamiliar territory. Under their parents’ watchful eyes, children can never get to experience their surrounding first hand but only follow the footsteps of their parents. Hence, children can not build up their own reaction system and learn some valuable lessons about common sense genuinely. Moreover, limited by too many rules, children may think parents do not trust them to deal with their own problems and lose confidence gradually.



I believe there is no reason for parents to do that. Some severe mistakes can cause irreversible damage and negatively affect children’s development mentally and physically. Children nowadays are exposed to a much more complicated environment compared to 20 years ago. And children are too innocent and immature to recognize or distinguish things they should never have touched. Under the guidance of the social norms, adults understand that there are bottom lines you should never cross. Parents should be responsible and constantly play the role to steer them away from lures. It might be too late when parents find that their children have already become isolated or lost themselves in alcohol and drugs. Take precautions can effectively prevent wrongdoings from deteriorating.



A college of high academic level with high tuition and a college of low academic level with low tuition. Which one will you choose? Why?


#High tuition

I would like to choose the college of high academic level. Higher education quality not only represents professional and creative teachers, the sheer research productivity, but also means that you can enjoy a more friendly and motivating study atmosphere that leads you to success. With high academic level and relatively higher tuition, it is almost guaranteed that your peer students are highly selective in the admission process. As to the money problem, you can balance and make your ends meet by applying for a part-time job or cutting off your living expense. Considering all the educational benefits, I think the higher tuition will finally pay off.


#low tuition

I think the latter one will be my choice. If the academic level can be satisfying enough, I choose to save up a little bit for my travel fund and find an apartment in a safer community. Because in my opinion, develop real cultural sensitivity during travel and get shift of perspectives can be equally important as diving in the library and reading all those bulky books. And there is nothing wrong about enjoying the privilege of working in isolation without any distraction. Besides, I also want to share some financial burden for my parents before I can afford the higher tuition all by myself, as the living standard should be higher if I decide to go studying abroad.



Do you agree or disagree that it is important for young people to learn skills like cooking, sewing and taking care of others?



I agree that young people should learn basic living skills such as cooking or sewing. The importance of mastering these independent skills has long been neglected by teenagers nowadays. They should realize the simple fact that they need to be able to manage day-to-day tasks on their own before moving away from home. If you can take care of your personal care, finish basic repairs and do your laundry, you can announce that you are well prepared and things will go smoothly when you choose to live alone. You can even be able to save up for future when your parents decide not to cover your budget any longer. You yourself will feel a sense of confidence as you manage to sort everything orderly and avoid making your life a total mess.



In my opinion, young people should devote their time to learning something more relevant and stimulating. With the development of society and tertiary industry, some skills become less necessary. Someone may stress that these are basic living skills, but a few decades back, growing crops is “basic” living skill. And when you look back further, hunting and fishing are “basic” living skills. People should accept the fact that we all do what we are really good at, focusing on specific task, and exchange for services we need. The booming catering industry can serve as a perfect example. And the skills mentioned are basically repetitive work. It’s better if they can learn drawing or music, something more creative instead.




Some people think students should learn mathematics when they study in colleges, while others think only those students who need it in the future should learn mathematics in colleges. Which one do you prefer and why?



In my opinion, mathematics is quite basic and critical in education. The benefits are far more profound than you might imagine. When learning math, you need to work more of your brain finding the solution, which stimulates your analytical thinking ability and keep you sharp and responsive when dealing with seemingly unrelated activities. Mathematics can also mold your logical mindset, and remind you to notice details in order to avoid consequence far from what you expected. Mathematics may seem boring and abstract, but if you can take a second thinking about the near future, math will definitely be more represented in a variety of industries. Gathering and analyzing data sets is already commonplace in media, autopilot and so on. So I believe math should be a required course even if some students never see scientist or engineer as their future career.



I think not all students should learn mathematics in colleges. Most students have already equipped themselves with adequate calculation capability after they studied math in primary school and high school. Colleges are built for professional education, if students can be logical enough and have disciplinary literacy, it’s more beneficial for them to dedicate their valuable time and energy to subjects relevant to their future career. When students can have the ability of understanding and using numeracy, it’s time for their talents and potential to shine. Indiscriminately require students to further mathematics education can limit possibilities and waste students’ effort. Let some students choose to put their energy on subjects like art or literature can result in greater achievement.







