作者: 2023-03-10 10:46:16 阅读量:
今天为大家带的是新航道雅思班口语培训之Discourse Markers怎么用,discourse marker是说,在一句话里面会有一些词语能够表现句子的意思(逻辑关系)。新航道雅思班口语培训提示您,discourse marker比如:She is tall but her son is short.这里的but就是discourse marker, 表现转折。所以同学看到一些能够表达逻辑关系,或者是句子感觉的词语或短语,那些就是 discourse marker。比如:but/although/though/as far as...
新航道雅思班口语培训提示您在语言学中,话语标记是指在句法上独立的一个单词或一个短语,它一般在句中起提示、停顿或过渡的作用,大多数时候没有实际意义,如果去掉也不会影响句子的意思。英语中典型的例子有"oh", "well", "now", "then", "you know", and "I mean", and the connectives "so", "because", "and", "but", "or"等等。
新航道雅思班口语培训提示您Discourse Markers 什么时候使用?怎么用?使用的意义是什么?
A discourse marker is a particle (such as oh, like, and you know ) that is used to direct or redirect the flow of conversationwithout adding any significantparaphrasablemeaningtothediscourse.Alsocalledapragmaticmarker.
In most cases, discourse markers are syntactically independent. That is, removing a marker from a sentence still leaves the sentence structure intact. Discourse markers are more common in informal speechthan in most forms ofwriting.
Functions of DiscourseMarkers
- tomarkaboundaryindiscourse(shift/partialshiftintopic)
- to preface a response or areaction
- toserveasafillerordelayingtactic
- toaidthespeakerinholdingthefloor
- toeffectaninteractionorsharingbetweenspeakerandhearer
- tobracketthediscourseeithercataphoricallyoranaphorically
- to mark either foregrounded or backgrounded information."(Simone Müller, Discourse Markers in Native and Non-Native English Discourse. John Benjamins,2005)
Examples andObservations
"I could so go for like a huge cookie right now, with like, a lamb kabob simultaneously."
"You should've gone to China, you know, cause I hear they give away babies like free iPods. You know, they pretty much just put them in those t-shirt guns andshootthemoutatsportingevents."
(Juno MacGuff in Juno, 2007)
以上就是关于新航道雅思班口语培训:Discourse Markers怎么用的解读,新航道天津学校作为17年的雅思培训辅导机构,为您提供新航道雅思班培训课程,我们的暑期新航道雅思班正在火热招生中,欢迎到店咨询。