作者: 2024-05-08 17:37:08 阅读量:
专业的天津雅思暑假培训就选新航道雅思暑期课程,新航道封闭集训学习中心的定位是要打造真正的封闭学习中心,吃住学三位一体,封闭式管理!2024.5.15日之前报名限时78折起!今天,新航道天津学校小编给大家带来的是支招小作文- 静态柱 四个方面患者服务满意度,让我们一起来学习吧。
[2024/ 4/ 27] The chart below shows the result of a survey of patients who stayed in different wards of a hospital and replied “very good” about various aspects of their hospital experience.
The bar chart compares the rate of patient’s positive response in terms of hospital staff, waiting time, treatment quality and quality of after-service for three wards in a hospital.
It is clear that Holly Ward performed the best. Also, among all the four aspects, patients from all the three wards were most satisfied with quality of treatment.
- 蓝色(Holly Ward)满意度
- 三个病房中的患者都对quality of treatment最满意
【Body 1】
Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that Holly Ward and Maple Ward received higher levels of satisfaction in all the four criteria. Remarkably, roughly 90% of the patients from Holly Ward expressed satisfaction with its staff, quality of treatment and aftercare. Although the queuing time of this ward was only favored by 75% of the surveyed people, it still outperformed the other two hospital wards in this respect. The results in Oak Ward showed a similar pattern. It also witnessed the highest evaluation of treatment quality(80%), closely followed by the figure for after-service(70%) and that for hospital staff(68%). However, only half of the patients gave positive feedback to the time spent on waiting.
思路要点:Holly Ward(蓝色)+ Oak Ward(灰色):整体满意度较高
- 这两个病区的患者,满意度整体较高
- 蓝色(Holly Ward):
(1).大约90%的患者对hospital staff, quality of treatment和quality of aftercare满意
(2). waiting time满意度→75%,但在这个方面仍然超过其他两个病区
- 灰色(Oak Ward):满意度呈现类似规律
(1). quality of treatment满意度(80%),quality of aftercare排第二(70%),hospital staff排第三(68%)
(2). waiting time:满意度仅为50%
【Body 2】
Nevertheless, Maple Ward was relatively inferior in such competition of evaluation. It received positive rating from 57% of the surveyed patients with regard to treatment quality, 10% higher than the figure for quality of aftercare. The other two dimensions of evaluation shared a similar satisfaction rate, with approximately 50%.
思路要点:橙色(Maple Ward)满意度都较低
- quality of treatment满意度→57%,比quality of aftercare的满意度高10%
- hospital staff、waiting time满意度相似,大约50%
专业的天津雅思暑假培训就选新航道雅思暑期课程,新航道封闭集训学习中心的定位是要打造真正的封闭学习中心,吃住学三位一体,封闭式管理!2024.5.15日之前报名限时78折起!以上就是新航道天津学校小编给大家带来的支招小作文- 静态柱 四个方面患者服务满意度,希望对大家有帮助。
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