作者: 2024-06-26 15:29:45 阅读量:
换题季中话题dreams,有的小伙伴可能会疑惑,这里到底是指我们睡觉时“做梦”还是个人的抱负、梦想呢。根据考场回忆的小问来看,这组话题基本是和睡觉“做梦”有关。毕竟是Part 1,问题基本还是很生活化的。
dream sth. 梦见……
have vivid/odd/bizarre/horrible dreams 做逼真/奇怪/诡异/可怕的梦
nightmare 噩梦
haunt sb. for years 萦绕某人(心中)多年
wake from dreams 从梦中醒来
wake up with a start 惊醒
fade away 淡去,逐渐变模糊
erase 抹去
wipe away 抹去
recall 回忆,回想
horrifying scenes 可怕的场景
I always have dreams - even when I’m just taking a nap during the day, I dream many bizarre things.
Though I always have dreams at night, I can’t recall anything that happens in my dreams. It feels like my memories have been wiped away.
When I wake from a dream, I can recall it as a series of vivid images.
If I watch horror films or fiction, I’ll have nightmares. And I often wake up with a start from the horrifying scenes.
我们也常说,日有所思,夜有所梦。而经常有学生跟我说,老师啊,最近我学习雅思可能真的太认真了,梦里我都还在做题,还在练口语,背单词…… 有的小伙伴可能临近考试十分焦虑、紧张,甚至梦到自己考试迟到没进到考场,或是自己还有很多题目没有完成…… 当然啦,除了考试,“日有所思,夜有所梦”的还有许多其他美好或令人惆怅的事。比如,梦到自己小时候养过的宠物(只是它已经逝去许多年),梦到多年以前的朋友(只是彼此很久没有再联系过),梦到自己中了彩票,环游世界……
feel a nagging anxiety 感到焦虑不安(尤其是这种焦虑感挥之不去)
win the lottery 中彩票
purchase a property 购置一套房产
past experience 过往的经历
painful experience 痛苦的经历
the joys and sorrows of the past 过往的欢喜与忧愁
leave a bad taste in the mouth 留下阴影
what a bummer 太扫兴了,太遗憾了!
For a period of time, I was feeling a nagging anxiety and that caused me to have some terrible dreams at night.
I often dream about the joys and sorrows of the past, like my pet dog came back to life, and I failed to finish the most important test in my life.
When I was very little, I was nearly drowned in water. That left a bad taste in the mouth. I think that’s why I’m constantly haunted by the horrifying scenes in dreams.
Once I dreamed of winning the lottery - 10 million Yuan! With that money, I purchased a property and a fancy car; and then I travelled around the world! But all of a sudden, I was woken by the alarm clock; then I realised it was just a dream. What a bummer!
有些梦,似乎很真,而自己也意识不到是在梦境之中。遇到伤心的事,会潸然泪下,醒来竟发现自己眼睛都“哭”肿了。再或者,在梦中,遇到类似亡命天涯的场景,在梦中惊呼大喊,然后突然一瞬间醒来,松了一口气,还好只是个梦…… 除了这些梦境外,不知道小伙伴们有没有经历过”突然从高处跌落”,还有就是“鬼压床”——就是感觉自己像是醒了,但是看到鬼魂的影子在自己面前,无论自己如何挣扎、尖叫,都毫无作用…… 有人说,做梦说明晚上睡眠好,可是有时候梦境太辛苦,醒来时,自己反而觉得浑身酸痛,十分疲惫呢……
sleep like a log/top 睡得很熟
a sould sleep 熟睡一觉
shed tears 落泪
weep silent tears 默默流泪
tears fill in one’s eyes 眼睛饱含泪水
tears brim in one’s eyes 眼睛饱含泪水
puffy (眼睛)肿的
run for one’s life 逃命
come after sb. 追杀某人
sleep paralysis 睡眠瘫痪症(鬼压床)
demon 恶魔
ghost 鬼魂
supernatural creature 超自然生物
feel paralysed 感觉瘫痪了
cry out 大声喊叫
illusion 幻觉
I often find tears brimming in my eyes when I wake up.
When I dream about sad things, I shed tears. And when I wake up, my eyes are puffy.
Back then, I often experienced something called sleep paralysis. I saw those demons and supernatural creatures coming after me; I struggled and tried my best to cry out, but it didn’t work at all.
fortune teller 算命人
foretell one’s fortune 算命,预测某人未来
reveal some messages 揭露某些信息
interpret dreams 解梦
subconscious mind/thinking 潜意识的思维/思考
superstition 迷信
superstitious 迷信的
nonsense 胡说八道,胡扯
fall from height 从高处掉落
dream about teeth falling out 梦见牙齿掉了
funeral 葬礼
pass away 去世
suffer financial loss 遭受经济损失
I’m not that superstitious so I don’t believe that dreams reveal any messages or predict anything.
My grandparents always say dreams can foretell our fortune. They used to offer to interpret my dreams. It’s funny.
If you search online, you can find an array of websites that help interpret your dreams. For example, if you dream about teeth falling out it means one of your relatives might pass away; if you dream of attending someone’s funeral, it means you’re very likely to suffer financial loss.