作者: 2024-07-11 13:42:33 阅读量:
专业的天津雅思暑假培训就选新航道天津学校,新航道雅思封闭学习中心具备专业师资,学术品质,全国连锁,小班授课,兼顾每位学员!现在报名享8折优惠!今天,新航道天津学校小编给大家带来的是雅思口语Part 2人物题素材总结,让我们一起来学习吧。
在雅思口语Part 2中,人物类题目虽然数量不多,但也有一些相对不太容易处理的题目。今天就跟大家分享一个人物素材,大家可以灵活选取部分内容,应用于当季雅思Part 2人物题中,比如:
A person who used a clever way to solve a problem;
A creative person;
An interesting foreigner;
A famous person you’re interested in;
An old person you respect/admire;
提到Jeremy Clarkson, 或许你并不知道他是谁(Jeremy Clarkson是英国知名的电视节目主持人,做的节目基本都是汽车方面的题材,比如Top Gear, The Grand Tour)。当然这些你不了解的话其实也不重要。
Clarkson在08年时就购买了Diddly Squat 农场,但2019时他才决定自己来耕种、管理农场,于是就有了笑料百出的纪录片Clarkson’s Farm(感兴趣的小伙伴可以在网上搜来看看)。
说实话,一开始我看到有人推荐这个系列纪录片时,我也很不解为何这个纪录片还蛮受欢迎。最后,当然是”真香“…… 如今,我已经把这个系列纪录片看了3遍了。也是在这个过程中,我发现,纪录片里面也有很多(包括他本人)可以作为雅思口语的素材。
Clarkson 这个老头子真的是很有意思,基本上每一集都会提出“新奇”的想法;或者在遇到一些问题时,总是能以令人啼笑皆非的方式来解决问题。当然,他会身体力行,实践这些creative ideas。
witty 机智的,诙谐的
amusing 搞笑的,有趣的
hilarious 滑稽的,可笑的
come up with brilliant ideas 想出绝妙的点子
have a brainwave 灵机一动
a stroke of genius 绝妙、成功的点子,高明的主意
come into one’s head/mind 想到,涌上心头
encounter/bump into difficulties/obstacles/problems 遇到困难/阻碍/问题
get going 行动起来
set...back 推迟,延缓
E.g. Well, what amuses me most is that Clarkson always has a brainwave when he encounters a problem.
E.g. Though new problems have constantly set his farm work back, he could always ‘manage’ to come up with “brilliant ideas” and get going without much hesitation.
Clarkson的农场有一大片土地是不用作物栽植的,政府每年都会给补贴,Clarkson只需要每年除一次草即可。因此,Clarkson灵光一现,“I had an idea” —— “与其用机器来除草,为啥不用绵羊呢?” 于是,Clarkson决定做一个牧羊人并到附近的市场去买了几十只绵羊,利用它们来除草。不仅解决了除草问题,以后还能卖羊毛羊羔赚钱呢!
provide subsidies 提供补贴
weed 除草
an alternative 另一种方法,替代
shepherd 牧羊人
profit by/from selling lambs, mutton, wool 通过卖羊羔、羊肉、羊毛盈利
E.g. To weed his field, Clarkson decided to use sheep as an alternative. It seemed a perfect plan, right? He keeps a herd of sheep; they weed the field for him; and then he can profit by selling lambs, mutton and wool.
herd the sheep 赶羊
round up
a drone with the speaker 带扬声器的无人机
record sth. in advance 提前录音
control the drone 控制无人机
work well 奏效,起作用
E.g. To herd the sheep, Clarkson didn’t choose the traditional way - a sheepdog. Instead, he had a brainwave, that is, using a drone with the speaker to round up his sheep. Well, like always, it all worked well at the beginning.
purchase groceries 买杂货
a brilliant idea 绝妙的点子
run/open a farm shop 经营/开哥农场商店
sell his produce 卖他(农场产的)农产品
E.g. A brilliant business idea came to his mind. Why not open a farm shop so that he could sell his produce, and then profit!
dramatic decline 骤降
hedge 熟篱
woodland 林地
grassy patch 草地
stream 小溪,溪流
hospitable environment 宜居的环境
E.g. Greatly concerned with the dramatic decline of wildlife habitats, Clarkson came up with a plan to make some of his hedges, woodlands, valleys, streams and patches hospitable environment for the wild species.
不难看出,Clarkson确实是有很多新奇的“好”点子。但实际上,Clarkson’s Farm的亮点和有趣之处就在于紧随着Clarkson的好点子之后的是一个又一个的岔子要解决…… 大家打趣说到,Clarkson的农场拉动了小镇的经济,为当地人提供了各种就业机会。不过说实话,看完整个纪录片确实还挺令人感叹的:在这样一个年纪,或许大多数的“老年人”早已在家享受着自己休闲的养老生活,能像Clarkson这样保持尝试新鲜事物、积极实践自己想法的老年人确实很少了吧。
is always followed by … 紧随其后的总是……
banter/joke 打趣,开玩笑
drive much of the economy of the small town 推动小镇的经济
create all sorts of job opportunities 创造了各种工作机会
retiree 已退休的人
put sth. into practice 实践……