作者: 2024-06-21 18:01:10 阅读量:
专业的天津雅思暑假班就选新航道天津学校,新航道封闭集训学习中心的定位是要打造真正的封闭学习中心,吃住学三位一体,封闭式管理!现在报名享8折优惠!在今天的文章中给大家分享一篇雅思口语Part 2题目的参考范文(蓝色部分为衔接手段,红色部分为重要词汇/词组)。
So, for this topic, I want to talk about Lelush, a Russian model who has lived in China for many years and is fluent in Chinese. He also has a good command of Japanese.
is fluent in Chinese 中文流利
have a good command of Japanese 日语良好
Lelush has a striking appearance, with sparkling eyes and a light complexion. But oddly, he always has a sulky expression on his face.
have a striking appearance 相貌出众
sparkling eyes 闪闪发光的眼睛
a light complexion 白皙的肤色
oddly 奇怪的是
have a sulky expression 一副很丧的表情
In fact, I had never heard of him until I watched the idol-making TV show Chuang 2021. At first, I was attracted by another candidate in the show. When Lelush debuted, honestly speaking, I couldn’t get why he qualified for the show. He even couldn’t sing in tune or dance to the beat. All he’s got was a pretty face. When other contestants hectically practised singing and dancing, he tried every possible means to slack off. While other contestants worked hard to win votes, he desperately begged fans to vote him out. He even bluntly expressed, “I don’t want to dance. I’m not suitable for a boy band. I’m really exhausted.”
idol-making TV show 偶像养成类节目
debut 初次登台表演
sing in tune 唱歌在调上
dance to the beat 有节奏地跳舞
contestant 比赛选手
slack off 偷懒
vote him out (投票)把他投出去
bluntly express 坦率地表达
Then, somehow, I came across a post about Lelush on social media. I was surprised to find that Lelush speaks excellent Chinese. Interestingly enough, in the first place, he worked as a translator for two foreign candidates in the show. However, his good looks captured the show’s producer. That’s how he joined the show.
come across 偶然遇到/看见
speak excellent Chinese 中文讲得很好
in the first place 最开始
a translator 翻译
capture 捕获
I have to say, like many others, I was captured by him. It’s not his talent that makes him special, but his laid-back style and outspoken discontent with overwork.
laid-back style 悠闲的风格
outspoken discontent with overwork 对过度工作直言不讳地表达不满
Mark Zuckerberg (比如在14年时,他曾在清华大学做了一次中文演讲。)