作者: 2024-07-03 11:29:15 阅读量:
专业的天津雅思暑期课程就选新航道雅思暑假培训,新航道雅思封闭集训学习中心的定位是要打造真正的封闭学习中心,吃住学三位一体,封闭式管理!现在报名享8折优惠!今天,新航道天津学校小编给大家带来的是雅思口语Part 3-现代农业与农民,希望对大家有帮助。
在雅思口语part 3中有关现代农业与农民的问题难倒了不少小伙伴。或许,大多数小伙伴在讨论这个话题时,都会第 一时间想到各种的农业设备和技术。可刚说没两句,却发现自己尚未储备与之相关的词汇和例子,于是无法进一步延展下去。其实,提及现代农业/农民,即使是要从科技角度去探讨与它的关系,我们也不一定要停留在这些“设备”上。
When talking about modern agriculture, we usually think of how technology has reshaped it. There is, however, another aspect of the industry that many of us have overlooked. That is, social media have breathed new life into agriculture.
reshape 重塑 v.
overlook 忽略,忽视 v.
breathe new life into … 给……注入新的生命/活力
Decades ago, for most farmers, the days were long, but the routine was familiar: rise early and tend to the fields; reap crops in the busy harvest season; sell them to distributors who then sell them to shops where consumers purchase farm produce.
rise early 早起 v.
tend to the fields 照料田地 v.
reap crops 收割庄稼 v.
harvest season 丰收季
distributor 经销商
farm produce 农产品
In the past, farmers relied heavily on farmers' markets. Regularly, they went there and sold their fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, eggs, and other produce directly to local residents.
farmers’ market 农贸市场
produce 农产品 n.
Decades ago, crop growers made rather modest profits as they generally sold their produce at farmers' markets, meaning they could only reach buyers from the same town or nearby villages. If luck wasn't on their side, disappointing sales could mean their produce would end up decaying and have to be thrown out. In a better scenario, large distributors would buy their produce in bulk, but the sad truth is that wholesale prices were pushed down, resulting in lower profits.
crop grower 农作物种植者
modest profit 微薄的利润
decay 变质,腐烂 v.
buy … in bulk 大量购买 v.
wholesale price 批发价格
The Internet’s disruptive influence barely touched the agriculture sector years ago. Farmers, though used to going online in their daily lives via smartphones, still relied heavily on offline markets to sell their goods. But now, it’s totally a different picture.
disruptive influence 颠覆性的影响
Social media are making huge inroads into how businesses promote and sell things. Agriculture is now far from immune to social media: a growing number of farmers are turning to live-streaming platforms such as TikTok to sell their produce.
make huge inroads into … 进入…… 领域,对…… 产生影响
is far from immune to 受到……的影响,未能免疫于……
turn to 转向 v.
Produce growers are now selling their fruits and vegetables to consumers, not at a farmers' market but on live-streaming platforms like TikTok. They use social content and influencers to keep people buying fresh food. With younger generations extremely active on social media, produce farmers see an opportunity to broaden their customer reach.
social content 社交(媒体)内容
broaden one’s customer reach 拓宽其消费者范围