作者: 2024-06-26 15:14:10 阅读量:
专业的天津雅思暑假培训就选新航道天津学校,新航道雅思封闭集训学习中心的定位是要打造真正的封闭学习中心,吃住学三位一体,封闭式管理!现在报名享8折优惠!今天,新航道天津学校小编给大家带来的是雅思口语Part 2迷路的经历,希望对大家有帮助。
雅思口语Part 2题目“A time when you got lost”。这个题目难度不大,可以融合的故事/经历很多。比如最近大家出游,是否遇到过导航不灵、手机没电活没信号等情况而找不到路呢?当然,除了描述与旅行相关的经历外,我们也可以结合Part 2 “The first day you went school”“a noisy place you have been to”“a time when you were late for something important”来描述。
I'd like to talk about one time when I got lost in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. [开头也可以根据自己的情况灵活引入,比如I always have a poor sense of direction, and today I’d like to talk about…或者I always have a good sense of direction, but there was one time when I …]
It was about 10 years ago if I'm not mistaken. At the time, I was spending a fortnight's holiday in Vietnam. As planned, I stayed in Hanoi for the last two days. I was dead excited coz it was my first to travel all by myself to a foreign country. [交代故事的背景:时间、当时做什么/打算、心情。一般在讲故事时,我们都会对背景进行一个简单的交代,如果可以有心情的表述,可以适当添加。尤其是背景设置是与旅游相关时,那么完全可以描述“兴奋、开心”的情绪]
a fortnight’s holiday 两周的假日
dead excited = very excited 非常兴奋
关于心情的表达,比如“开心”大家也可以说be on cloud nine = very happy
Well, in Hanoi, I was staying in a hotel tucked away in the backstreet called 36 Bank Street, a place renowned for its labyrinthine lanes, where you can find an array of budget accommodations, casual restaurants, street vendors, cafes and bars. [交代一下迷路所在地的大致情况;当然如果你去的地方并不是这种错综无杂的街道,可以不用交代这组信息,可以换成“你并不熟悉这个地方”。]
(be) tucked away 隐藏在
backstreet 小巷
(be) renowned for = be famous for = be well-known for 以……出名/闻名
labyrinthine lanes 错综复杂的巷子(这个词比较难,如果记不住,可以说maze-like像迷宫一样的,或者intertwined相互交织,错综复杂的)
an array of 各种个样的(记不住的话可以用简答一点的 a variety of, all kinds of )
budget accommodation 廉价住宿(简单点的也可以直接说cheap hostels)
street vendors 街边摊贩
Early in the morning, after breakfast, I headed out and aimlessly roamed the intertwined streets. Somehow it was already noon, and I wanted to get some rest. Therefore, I decided to return and grab a bite to eat near the hotel. However, when I whipped out the map and tried to locate myself, I was totally confused. The map I took with me was a simplified version - it just marked the main roads and major attractions! Tired and hungry, I had to ask a local for directions as the phone was not smart back then. But sadly, none of the people I had asked understood or spoke English! I was a bit despaired. [时间节点+谁+做什么。为什么迷路了:路很复杂,地图太简陋。不过现在手机都可以导航,所以用地图的情况很少,那可能是手机没电了the battery is dead,或者手机没信号have no signal]
roam 闲逛,漫步
aimlessly 漫无目的地
grab a bite to eat 吃点儿东西
whip out 拿出,取出
mark 标记 v.
simplified 简化的
Finally, I decided to find a cafe nearby to have some coffee and sandwiches. Luckily, the owner was fluent in English. She pointed the way for me. That's how I eventually managed to get back to the hotel.