作者: 2024-07-01 15:18:12 阅读量:
专业的天津雅思暑假班就选新航道天津学校,新航道雅思封闭集训学习中心的定位是要打造真正的封闭学习中心,吃住学三位一体,封闭式管理!现在报名享8折优惠!今天我们一起来看看当季雅思的一个Part 2新题:A time when you taught a friend/relative to do something。
这虽然是个事件/经历类的题目(往往事件经历类的题目都比较好说),但这个 题目却让许多小伙伴无从下手。一是似乎很难想到与之相关的经历,二是真正到了组织语言时,会发现难以将事件经历讲清楚,尤其是“教的过程”。即使勉强想到有关的经历,也大多是教家里亲戚的小孩补习过功课,或是教家里年长的长辈使用智能电子设备。
I’d like to share the story of teaching my parents to make video calls.
Well, it’s probably a Saturday in high summer. I got some days off - not enough for a beach holiday - so I decided to go home and spend some time with my parents.
While at home, it occurred to me that I should teach them how to make video calls using WeChat. You know, staying connected via video calls would be very handy.
stay connected 保持联络
handy 有用的,方便的
high summer 盛夏
get some days off 休几天假
a beach holiday 海边度假
So, after lunch, I said to them, “Hey, mom, dad. Let me show you how to make video calls. In this way, you can see me more often even if I can’t make it home.” Their eyes gleamed with happiness. Soon after, I took out my smartphone and asked them to take out theirs. I showed them step by step, demonstrating how to find the contacts, which button to press to initiate, end or take a video call and how to turn up or turn down the volume. To make sure they really got it, I asked them to video-call me using WeChat. However, to my surprise, my dad kept forgetting which button to touch, so I had to give him hints again and again. In the end, he successfully made a video call.
make it home 回家 v.
gleam with happiness 闪烁着幸福/开心的光芒 v.
step by step 一步一步地
demonstrate 展示 v.
button 按钮
initiate, end or take a video call 发起、结束或接视频电话
turn up/down the volume 调高/调低声音
hint 提示 n.
About two hours later, late in the afternoon, I said to my dad, “Dad, did you really get it? How to make the video call? Call me now. Show me.” Well, sadly, he did it again! I mean, he couldn't recall the steps, just after two hours! What a poor memory he had! At first, I got a bit impatient and annoyed, but seconds later, I suddenly realised, my dad was already in old age. For him, the smartphone and all these applications were as new as complicated. Therefore, I took a deep breath and guided him through the application once again. Much to my relief, my dad got the hang of it.
Days later, while I was writing a report, a video call from my dad came in. Delightfully, I smiled and picked it up.
recall 回想起,记起 v.
a poor memory 糟糕的记性
in old age 年迈的
as new as complicated 既陌生又复杂
take a deep breath 深呼吸一口气
to one’s relief 令某人欣慰地是
get the hang of sth. 明白、理解……
你是个旅游达人,每次的旅行计划都做得特别好,你的好友计划出去旅行,求助你做旅行计划,于是你教他/她如何订到更实惠的机票和酒店,如何选择旅行保险,如何办理相关旅行手续(arrange travel documents)等。
你知道很多生活中的小妙招。某次朋友或家人做大扫除时(do some spring cleaning)询问你如何将玻璃窗擦得蹭亮(dust and wash the windows to keep them spotlessly clean),你教他自制清洁剂(home-made detergent)(只需将白醋(white vinegar)、小苏打(baking soda)、清水混合,喷洒在窗户玻璃上,再用旧报纸擦干即可)。
你是个美妆小能手。闺蜜某段时间在学习化妆,但总是不能化出自然的妆容。求助你,于是你教她正确的化妆顺序,如何使用美妆蛋(makeup sponge)或粉底刷(foundation brush)以使粉底更服帖持久(to make one’s makeup last longer and look smooth)。(这个故事所涉及的词汇会相对复杂一些)
大家应该都有过打嗝的经历吧。那你是怎么知道如何快速止住打嗝的呢?变通一下:某次,某个朋友突然打起嗝来(hiccup或者get/have hiccups),停不下来。这时,虽然你被逗乐了,但你教他/她可以这样快速止住打嗝:找个纸袋子,然后朝着纸袋子呼吸(breathe into the paper bag and take deep breaths)。果不其然,没过一会儿,朋友就不打嗝了,而且很感谢你教会他这个小妙招。