作者: 2024-07-04 13:25:23 阅读量:
专业的天津雅思暑期课程就选新航道雅思暑假班,新航道雅思封闭学习中心具备专业师资,学术品质,全国连锁,小班授课,兼顾每位学员!现在报名享8折优惠!今天,新航道天津学校小编给大家带来的是雅思口语Part 2 保健方式,一起来看看吧。
Something you to do keep fit and healthy
当季雅思口语Part 2中“Something you do to keep fit and healthy”这个题目,想必由于最近一大波女孩子都变身成为"刘畊宏女孩",所以这个题目自然也会选择定期的健身/跟直播健身课等内容来处理这个题目。这当然是没问题,而且如果自己确实也有所感触,尤其是以前的自己和现在变成“刘畊宏女孩”的自己有强烈对比的话,那这个Part 2题目还是可以说的十分饱满的。在这里先给大家补充一点点和这快内容相关的表达。另外,在后文中给大家梳理了另外的选择来处理这个题目,大家也可以作为参考。
Just like many young girls, I recently got into the habit of working out regularly. Undoubtedly, it has become a preferred way for me to stay healthy.
I used to be a lazybones - either lying on my comfy sofa or having my eyes glued to the screen - I rarely did exercise.
His workout livestreams went viral on social media, and loads of girls said that they’ve become fitness enthusiasts since they followed his live-streaming sessions. So out of curiosity, I gave it a try.
It’s not technically challenging, but there’s so much more than meets the eye. When I finished the first half of the workout, I was almost out of breath. But after sticking to the regime for some days, I felt like having more energy to keep on.
go viral on social media 在社交媒体上火了
the fitness influencer 健身网红
take young girls by storm 一下子吸引了年轻女孩子
join the fitness craze 加入健身潮
workout livestream 健身直播(n.)
live-streaming workout sessions 直播健身课程
lazybones 懒虫(单复数同形)
avid workout fan 狂热的健身迷
fitness enthusiast 健身迷
not technically challenging 技术上不难的
be out of breath 上气不接下气
a part of daily routine during the lockdown 封锁期间日常的一部分
get into the habit 形成/养成习惯
burn calories/fat 燃烧卡路里/脂肪
flabby arms 松弛的手臂
there’s more than meets the eye 不像看上去那么简单
1、结合我们之前讲过的“积极的改变”(雅思口语Part 2 积极的改变(新题))一题来处理——早睡/不熬夜。那这个切入点的话大家可以先交代自己最近才开始尝试这个方式来促进自身健康的。然后再通过尝试这种方式前的具体情况(比如总是熬夜做什么:刷剧、赶作业/赶工作报告、煲电话粥,etc..),变化的节点(体检出一些亚健康的问题,或是从来不长痘的自己那段时间疯狂长痘,而且记性也变差,还很容易感冒,或是鼻炎加重,脱发等等),改变之后的具体情况(调整到每天11点前睡觉,睡前坚决不玩手机,坚持不到一个月,皮肤变好,第二天精神抖擞,也不会因为吹空调而易感感冒,头发也没有掉得那么厉害了,etc..),最后得出感受坚持每天早睡确实是既经济又高效的保持健康的方式。
It has become the norm for us young people to burn the midnight oil.
There was a period when I was hectically occupied with the exam week - burying myself in books to review for exams.
I couldn’t help staying up late, mostly to binge-watch my favourite TV shows or to chat with my friend on the phone for hours.
As you could imagine, sleep deprivation caused a bunch of problems for me such as dry and flaky skin, waking up to breakouts, losing hair in large amounts and so forth.
My father is a traditional Chinese physician, and he strongly advised me to adjust my sleep patterns.
Now, I’ve seen huge benefits brought by an early bedtime. You see, I’ve managed to keep my skin radiant without using expensive creams and lotions; I haven’t had acne for a very long time, and above all, I feel full of beans in the daytime.
burn the midnight oil 熬夜(工作/学习)
binge-watch 刷剧(v.)
scramble to meet deadlines 匆匆忙忙赶期限
review for exams 复习考试
acne flares up 痘痘“爆发”
my skin gets inflamed 皮肤发炎
wake up to breakouts 一觉起来爆痘了(也可以直接用break out)
sleep deprivation 却觉,睡眠(严重)不足
become dry and flaky 变得干燥起皮
have a faulty memory 记性不好
lead to hair loss/thinning hair 导致脱发/脱发稀疏
lose one’s hair in large amounts 大量脱发
keep one’s skin radiant without using expensive creams and lotions 不用面霜和乳液就能保持皮肤焕发光彩
be full of beans 精力充沛的
be susceptible to colds 容易感冒的
rhinitis 鼻炎
或许以前从来没有尝试过这类事物,而且以前似乎还对这类事物存有偏见。比如提到足疗,是不是就联想到电影电视里的那些情节。可以结合“第 一次尝试的经历+之后成为了一种习惯+带来的健康益处”来处理。比如某次朋友聚会,结束后,有人提议一起去SPA/按摩/足疗,刚开始听到这个提议的时候,你还有点抗拒,但是大家都说这很正常,而且有助于促进血液循环、释放压力情绪、对身体好等,你就妥协了。结果,令你意外的是,整个过程非常放松,后面几天似乎也感觉整个人轻松舒服了不少。于是,后续你也经常/定期约朋友一起去SPA/按摩/足疗,这也成了你们共度休闲时光的方式之一,当然,也是你保持健康的秘诀之一。
Hearing this, I was a bit reluctant to go with them coz I used to be biased against that kind of thing.
Much to my surprise, when the pedicure/SPA finished, I felt like my whole body loosened up.
Since then, it has become a normal part of my pastime. I usually invite my bestie to go with me, enjoying a full-body massage. It’s a great way for us to loosen up and free our minds from the hustle and bustle.
health spa 健康疗养
enjoy/have a (relaxing/soothing/full-body/back) massage 享受/做一次(放松/舒缓/全身/背部)按摩
be (a bit) biased against …对……有偏见/成见
regard sth. as vulgar 认为……粗俗的
promote healthy blood circulation 促进血液健康循环
reduce muscle tension 环境肌肉紧张
compromise 妥协
pamper/treat oneself with a pedicure 用足疗宠爱/款待自己
free one’s mind from the hustle and bustle 将思绪从忙碌(日常)中解脱
boost one’s moods 促进情绪
wind down 放松
loosen up 放松