作者: 2024-07-03 11:17:51 阅读量:
专业的天津雅思暑假培训就选新航道天津学校,新航道雅思封闭集训学习中心的定位是要打造真正的封闭学习中心,吃住学三位一体,封闭式管理!现在报名享8折优惠!今天给大家分享一篇雅思口语Part 2题目的参考范文——An unusual meal you had。
这个题目虽是新题,实则换汤不换药。如果之前有准备过something you ate for the first time这个题目的话,稍作修改即可食用。
这个题目中的meal,大家可以描述为某一次吃饭的经历,也可以某次吃饭吃到的具体食物。而unusual,大家可以利用食物本身的特点做切入点(对词汇要求相应更有难度,比如活章鱼live octopus dish/Sannakji、醉虾drunken shrimp、猪脑pork brain、伤心凉粉Sad jelly noodles), 大家也可以选择从场所、场合、情感意义等方面着手。
Well, I'd like to talk about the most unusual meal I've ever had.
It’s still fresh in my mind. Four years ago, I was taking a holiday with my bestie in South Korea. Both of us are foodies so we were buzzing to go on an eating binge during our stay. For this, we went to a local street market one night. Oh, by the way, the place is highly recommended by many travel Vloggers.
it’s still fresh in my mind (这件事)记忆犹新
foodie 吃货
be buzzing to do sth. 兴奋地做
go on an eating binge 大吃大喝
be highly recommended 被极力推荐
When we got there, we were excited to find various street food. Of course, we couldn’t wait to explore what it had to offer. Then, we noticed that some people were eating some kind of octopus at a food stall. Curiously, we stepped closer. Much to our surprise, the octopus was still alive!!! I mean, the octopus was chopped up but it was still wriggling! Oh my gosh!!! Can you believe it! Those guys just ate them with some red chilli paste. Seeing this, my bestie kept egging me on to try it, and the vendor was boasting about how great his octopus was! Undoubtedly, I put my foot down at first. However, my bestie bet me $50 that I wouldn’t dare to eat it. Anyway, I didn’t know why but I just summoned the courage and took a bite. Honestly, I don’t know how to describe it. The only thing I knew: before I swallowed it, its suction cups were struggling and trying to cling to my mouth. For sure, I didn’t finish the dish. I felt like getting food poisoning. My bestie joked and called me a culinary daredevil.
food stall 小吃摊
octopus 章鱼
is chopped up 被宰成块
wriggle 蠕动
put one’s foot down 坚决反对
red chilli paste 红辣椒酱
egg sb. on to do sth. 怂恿某人做
vendor 摊贩
bet me $50 that I wouldn’t dare to eat 打赌50美金我不敢吃
summon the courage to do sth. 鼓起勇气做……
take a bite 尝了一口
suction cup 吸盘n.
cling to 粘在,附在
get food poisoning 食物中毒
a culinary daredevil 饮食界的“汉子”(daredevil指胆子很大的人)
Well, I had to say this is the weirdest and the worst meal I’ve ever had. I know some daredevils might quite enjoy it. Anyway, a man’s meat is another man’s poison. I'll never eat it again.
weird 诡异的,奇怪的
a man’s meat is another man’s poison 萝卜青菜各有所爱